Meeting with Célia René-Corail, our warm and outspoken expert entrepreneur,  a Mompreneur like no other, marketing expert who through OPTIMOMS targets mom entrepreneurs and all us who know how much we need Moms in this economy. “

“If you have chosen to live  your business like  the rest:  with passion, conviction and good humor. If you are looking for blossoming as well as success. If you think you can do otherwise … see you soon!”

Who is Célia René-Corail? What is your professional background?

It’s a very good question, I would say a thirty something Modern woman, fulfilled and also overhwelmed mother, a romantic geek, cooking fan, an eternal enthusiast,  pink and bio tendency,  marketing pro, curious and optimistic. Otherwise, more formally, I’m 35 years old, 2 children and fifteen years of experience in Marketing. Throughout  my career I have always chosen challenging professional environments which involved novel strategies beyond traditional marketing (product mix, advertising, discounts …). I perfected my skills working with leading brands, agencies creative, innovative start-ups, I learned the best techniques, the best customer strategies … and then I wanted more so I created OPTIMOMS.

When, how, and why was “OPTIMOMS” created?
At the birth of my daughter, still active in the work force, I became interested in how marketing and business in general were interested in mothers. I noticed the disconnection  between rhetoric and reality, ignorance of what women really want and how they live, and the power and potential they represent. Two years later, with my son, I ventured  on the other side  and met other mothers, professionals, entrepreneurs in search of balance like me, and realized  how disconnected they were  with respect to the company and their need for practical solutions. For them and for  the interesteed companies,  I created OPTIMOMS: a set of concrete solutions dedicated to mothers. The first tool was, 1 family friendly job board in France.
What is your mission and philosophy at OPTIMOMS?
Reconciling moms together with business! Making entrepreneurship, marketing, employment more accessible to mothers, but also bringing the company to its clients: the mothers. At OPTIMOMS  we  foremost refute  fatalism and misconceptions. There are companies with other values ​​than profit at any cost and moms who are more than  ” under 50 ‘s homemakers”.  OPTIMOMS creates bridges between the two, develops knowledge and interest of both and commitment towards each other.

“Marketing” a word which often makes people shudder and yet you refer to  another more relational approach to marketing?

Sure … relationship marketing is already an “old” concept, an approach that many companies have integrated which consists of placing the customer satisfaction and loyalty in the heart of their business. I personally think that I am not the only one and that one can still go much further in search of sincerity, trust and authenticity  away from the transactional aspect while still obtaining great results. This is also a strong trend in marketing in complete break with the views we have of it and with what is practiced today. Marketing is suffering primarily from hobbylike approach  and improvisation. This is not just a means, not an objective. It is above all a process, with meaning, a method ,and techniques.

What do you think the main criterias are to “live your business with passion”?

” Wanting it” … this is accessible to all as long as you understand what makes you really vibrate. What drives you. This is precisely  the work that Christine achieves with her Mastermind group. And of course, avoid letting this passion burn out: maintain it, share it with others, including your partners and customers.

Fulfillment and Success? 2 interdependent words ?

From my point of view, yes without hesitation: success undoubtedly contributes to fulfillment  and it is always easier to succeed when one  is under the best conditions. And generally, I do not necessarily differenciate my work and my personal life.  I have only one life, just trying to make the most of it.

In your guide “How to Retain Your Customers” one encounters an unusual language for the business world. What is this seduction game you speak of?

There is indeed much talk of emotions, heart and love, but it is like everything I put out. This is an unusual language, but it’s mine. It is  as genuine and  as sincere as the marketing that I advocate. Instead, I would be inclined to say that  it is business that is not consistent. The terms seduction, commitment, relationship, fidelity are all part of the business vocabulary from  long ago and have been borrowed directly from the lovers’ vocabulary . All I did was give them back meaning and good sense. Marketing is too important a foundation for the success of a company to be complicated and inaccessible.Instead, it can be fun, quirky, creative as long as it is effective and that the fundamentals are understood and integrated.

Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently these last two years?

I probably would have thought a little more about myself  and my deep rooted ambitions. I have long set as a reward to be able to transmit to others my knowledge and expertise. I  have always told myself: one day, when I’ll be more known, when I succeed, I would write guides and host conferences. Today it is my daily life which makes me known and succeed as a professional. My reward  now happens daily.

The best advice for the solo-entrepreneur or OPTIMOMS?

Do what you like” … That’s my mantra, my vision, which guides me. I think that it creates a business that resembles you, that fuels your  passion and  will make others want to share with you. For the rest specifically  marketing it  is the method, technique, a little inspiration, and  knowing how to be well surrounded in your network.

Your words of inspiration or favorite motto and why?

Wow … of course! A heartfelt, spontaneous, full of emotion and full of promise.
And you?  What if your customers said Wow!?

Thank you very much Celia!

© Color Photo Céline Boura – Le luxe d’être soi
& B/W Photo: © Photo Nadine Court .