Candid & enriching virtual encounter with Nathalie Cariou creator of “The Keys to Success” and “Secret of Money” for everyone!

“Since 2007, I learned a lot about money, and my life has totally changed. I wanted to share with you what I know now and help people create wealth for themselves and the world. ”

Who is Nathalie Cariou?

I’m 45, I am French and I live in Paris.
Independent, creative, and conformist at heart, I have always created the structures in which I worked: the first (and more) was a consulting firm in marketing first, then a psychotherapy practice and now the Keys to Success, a company dedicated to helping individuals and businesses “succeed in life.” I am also the mother of an 11 year old well-rounded girl of whom I am very proud.

How was “Keys to Success” born ?

The Keys to Success, the company training and support that I created in 2009 arose from an observation and an overall “fed up ” feeling. In 2009, I worked with several people in therapy who spoke to me of the difficulties they encountered to “earn a living” as independent professionals and as artists. While it was clear to me that they were filled with talent, they did not know how to make themselves known, finding customers and “sell” themselves. Furthermore, they had a real complex about”making money”.

It is quite common in France: to think, reflect, imagine, create is good but to admit that we want to make money, even if we all need money to live is still not acceptable as money has a “bad reputation”. It’s also what I have believed for years … at the risk of missing out on my ambitions, to prevent me from fully opening my wings … I wanted to give people who come to me the means to do otherwise, to open their wings fully and without delay.

You are a psychotherapist and coach in professional and financial success?

Yes, I have not totally abandoned my psychotherapist cap: because some people need a thorough job, because it allows me to work effectively on the most “psychological” and most painful of our relationship with money: which is tied and affects our belief system.

Today I am mostly a coach and trainer in professional and financial freedom. I love the concept of freedom…which I have long confused with independence.

I recently realized that freedom does not mean “doing it alone” but rather to make the most of what makes sense for us and take care of our lifetime… which inevitably brings us back to money!

Giving lecture allows me to educate my audience on the need to check the quality of the relationship with money, “spread the word.” It is important to me.

So, what is the famous ” Money Secret “?

The “Money Secret” and the published book “Take Responsibility for Your Finances” (Editor Jouvence) released in March 2011, reveals ways to educate the French about the importance of having a healthy relationship with the money. I speak of abundance and sufficiency, what money is and what it is not (it’s crazy all the lies that are told about money!), effective ways to handle money, energy, and money as a gift, life mission. For me, have a healthy relationship with money is not only knowing how to earn it and manage it appropriately, but also learning to put it at the service of one’s life – and one’s life mission.

Money is energy and energy is everywhere. Working on money is like working on all areas of one’s life: responsibility (ultra painful but important), capacity for committment, self-esteem, fear (and desire) to be visible, its relationship to time …

I like your quote from Alexandre Dumas, “Money is a good servant and a bad master” …

I believe very deeply that money is an indispensable and powerful tool in our lives. But by no means an end in itself. However, most people I meet could also make the same speech but use money as an end. This leads them to hoard and forget to invest in their projects, their well-being, and in others.

The image I often use is that of an elevator.
For me, money is an elevator that connects dreams to real life. Forgetting to put in this position is to risk forgetting the cumulative effect (the “why?”) Or to have dreams that are not given the means to come true.

Most people find it difficult to break away from some negative beliefs ingrained from childhood that block the flow of abundance: “Don’t touch money, it’s dirty!”, “Money does not buy happiness “, or” Money does not grow on trees! ”

I agree: it’s amazing how money is loaded with beliefs that do not belong to it! Some say that if money were a person, we would never see her face so she would be hunched under the weight of the beliefs they carry on his back!

To get out of lack and fear, leaving the conscience of scarcity and accepting abundance in return, we must work both to demystify money: understanding that money is neutral, it is amoral (outside the scope of morality), not immoral and also do the energy work that connects us to our consciousness of prosperity.

By taking the time for example, to write a daily gratitude journal listing 5 things that made us feel “rich”during the day.

Should we believe in it for it to work? ( for our less optimistic friends …)

It is not necessary to believe in the law of gravity for it to uphold the Earth! It’s a bit the same for the law abundance: learn to respect money, take care of it with regular practice exercises that connect us to our prosperity consciousness necessarily changes our behavior and our state of mind …and brings new things in our lives.

What do you mean by “financial freedom”?

The peculiarity of money is that it’s probably the only development tool which deals as much with the personal and psychological energy level as the concrete level of things. At one time or another, with money, you must enter the actual counting, management, investing, implementing financial strategies. Recall the story of the man who wanted to become rich and complained to God to never win the lottery. Until God appears and says, “You could at least buy a ticket! “.

As for responsibility, I love this quote from George Bernard Shaw: “Freedom is inseparable from responsibility so that’s why most people have given up! ”

What a wonderful idea to teach our children what money is and how to manage it at a young age!

What is wonderful with children is that they understand it quickly. To teach them about money, I generally advise parents to give them pocket money by asking them to distribute the given sum (whatever amount) into three parts:
10% in a piggy bank “Gifts”
40% in a piggy bank “savings”
Remaining 50% they can “spend” on what they like with a clear conscience.

Ah… if adults could do the same!

Financial and spiritual wealth? Generosity? Giving and receiving?

If we consider money as a tool for our realization, the spiritual is never far away. The key is knowing what to do with the money we have, to think about putting it to work for us, and to serve the world and others. Giving is a part of it. I happen to get very upset to see the low generosity of people in general which results from their insecurity and a relationship with money on which they have not worked. Few people are “justly” generous, capable of giving much without forgetting oneself, however.

Do what you love and the money will follow?

The true wealth of existence is most certainly in my eyes: time (unique, not exchangeable or purchasable, or sellable …) over money. It is therefore essential to use time wisely, essential to do something that gives meaning to our lives, that we’re excited to get back to every day.

Hence to conclude, I often hear that all you need to do what you love for money to come … it has not been my personal experience, far from it!

First, because money will come only if one is internally prepared to receive it. But also because money comes to him who asks (and who knows how to sell) and not to one who deserves it!

My advice: “Do what you like, but be sure to also give yourself the means to do more or better of what you already can do. And for that, money is a good way! ”

“Success is learned” what good news!

Money speaks commonly three languages: “I am poor”, “I’m comfortable” and “I’m rich.” None of these languages is more difficult to talk about than the other: just learn it. Especially if our original family spoke “I am poor.” Each language induces ways of thinking and behaviors. It does not use exactly the same words. The “I am rich” is a language generally richer than others with financial vocabulary.

My advice: learn to speak “finance” by reading magazines or books on the subject. A little daunting at first but frankly quite useful when visiting your banker.

Wealth is ..?

Knowing what you are doing on earth, decide what is good for you, without your wallet deciding for you!

Find Nathalie Cariou on the Website

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